August 8
117C.E.: Hadrian named Emperor of the RomanEmpire. He is remembered as the man whoaccepted the limits of the Roman empire, as can be seen by the construction ofHadrian’s Wall in what is today Great Britain.It was designed to keep the barbarians out of the empire and was viewedas the greatest engineering feat of the Roman legions. Hadrian was also seen as a man of culture whoa devotee of Greek learning. Jewsremember him as the man who brought on Bar Kochba’s Rebellion. At the end of this extended but ultimatelyfailed clash of arms. Hadrian made war on Judaism itself. He sought to build a temple to Jupiter on theTemple Mount. He hunted down the Jewishsages and created the list of martyrs some of whom we invoke by name each yearon the High Holidays. In Jewish writingshe is referred to as “the Wicked or the Evil One.”
1356:The King of Aragon sent his Jewish physician to tend to the wounds of a Muslimwho was fighting in the king’s army.
1385:In Rome, the Senate made good on Boniface IX’s promise “to the Jewishphysicians Angelo di Manuele and Solomone de Sabalduchio of Perugia” byaccording the Jewish community of Rome a yearly reduction of 30 florins for thetaxes of the two doctors because of the services they had rendered to thecity’s poor.
1391:In Barcelona, the citadel where many of the Jews had gone for protection wasstormed, by the mob and more than 300 Jews were murdered, among the slain beingthe only son of Hasdai Crescas.
1488:Makre Dardeke (Teach of YoungChildren) was published for the first time in Naples Italy, by JosephAshkenazi. This Judaic glossary wastrilingual: Hebrew, Arabic and Italian.[For more see “A history and guide to Judaic dictionaries andconcordances, Volume 3, Part 1” by Shimeon Brisman]
1524:Giles of Viterbo who studied Hebrew with “grammarian Elias Levita” and providedhim with sanctuary when war drove him for Padua to Rome today became LatinPatriarch of Jerusalem.
1541:The Jews of Great Poland were authorized by King Sigismund to elect a chiefRabbi
1588:In the war between England and Spain, the Battle of Gravelines comes to anend. Conventional commentators see it asturning point in history because it marked the end of the Spanish Armada'sattempt to invade England. Any defeat suffered by Spain, the land of theInquisition had to be seen as a plus from the Jewish point of view. More specifically, the end of the Battle ofGravelines meant that the Spanish Armada could not support the landing ofSpanish troops in the Netherlands. Partof the mission of the Armada was to provide support for Spanish forces fightingto impose Catholic rule on the Protestant Dutch. The Spanish were determined to bring theInquisition to the Netherlands to punish the heresy of the Protestants andwould of course have doomed the future for the Sephardic Jews who had alreadysettled in Holland or would be settling there.If the Spanish had been successful at Gravelines, the 23 Jews who wouldsail into New Amsterdam would have found a Catholic government that would havenot provided them aid, shelter and a New World in which to settle. It is not too great a stretch to say that aline can be drawn from Drake’s victory over the Armada at Gravelines to thefounding of the Jewish Community in America.As we have said many times in our studies in Cedar Rapids, you mustunderstand history to understand Jewish history and seeing history through theJewish prism is not the same as seeing history in its general form.
1641(2ndof Elul, 5401): Joseph Bueno, the Bordeaux trained doctor of medicine describedas “this new Jewish physician” by the French Ambassador E’Presses who wasunable to save the life of Prince Maurice of Orange and was the father ofEphraim Bueno passed away today.
1653:Birthdate of Normandy native Jacques Basnage de Deauval, the Protestantminister and author whose works included L'Histoiredes Juifs (History of the Jews) which the author said is "asurvey of all that pertains to the religion and the history of the Jews sinceHerod the Great.”
1654:Jacob Barsimson sailed for New Amsterdam from Holland aboard the Peartree andlanded on August 22. Some consider him to be the the first Jewish immigrant totravel to what is now New York City. Other dates have been giving for thissailing. Regardless, the official date of the start of the Jewish communitycomes later in 1654 when 23 Portuguese Jews landed in New Amsterdam.
1648:Mehmed IV began his reign as Sultan of the Ottoman Empire during which Safed,the home to numerous Jewish mystics and sages “was destroyed by Arabs” and theJews of Yemen were banished to Mawza Desert.
1655:The Russians captured Vilna. As part of the peace settlement betweenChmielnicki and Czar Alexis, the east bank of the Dnieper became part of thekingdom of Moscow. Jews were once again subject to expulsion and murder.
1670:After Leopold I evicted the Jews from Vienna; he sold the Jewish quarter for100,000 florins. The Jewish quarter was then renamed Leopoldstadt in his honor.The Synagogue and the Bet Midrash (study hall) were turned into St. Margaret'sChurch.
1677:In Herzfeld, Germany, Michael (Jechiel) of Herzfeld, Germany and Rebecca Falkde Paul gave birth to Moses Michaels, the husband of Catharine Michaels and fatherof Blume Louzada; Jochabed Mears; Rachel Myers-Cohen; Rebecca Hays and MichaelMichaels
1741:Hannah Solomons and Benjamin Sheftall who had been married at Savannah in 1738gave birth to Solomon Sheftall who did not live to see his second birthday.
1765(21stof Av, 5525): Elkalah Myers Cohen, the first wife of Myer Myers died at the ageof thirty, leaving him three sons and two daughters.
1770:Reyna Levy and Isaac Moses were married today, fifteen years before givingbirth to Israel Moses.
1772(9thof Av, 5532): Parashat Devarim; Erev Tish’a B’Av observed on the same day that thePennsylvania Chronicle published “Five Pounds Reward,” an advertisement offeringa reward for anyone helping to capture a “run away Mulato slave named JEM.”
1778(15thof Av, 5538): Parashat Vaetchanan; Shabbat Nachamu; Tu B’Av
1797: In Lorraine,France, Mayer Lippman, the Alsace born son of Raphaël Isaac Lippmann and JuteléLippmann, and his wife Madelleine Lippmanngave birth to Isaac Lippmann.
1804(1st ofElul, 5564): Rosh Chodesh Elul
1804:Birthdate of Dr. Gedelia Daniel Rudolph Warburg.
1805:Today Hungarian Rabbi Moses Münz “declared that” Aaron Chorin, the author of"'Emeḳ ha-Shaweh" “was to blame for certain statements in the firstpart entitled ‘Rosh Amanah’ which were apt to mislead the public” but“reaffirmed that the book contained no heresies.”
1808:In London, Moses Alexander and his wife gave birth to Rose Alexander, the wifeof Isaac Abraham Boss.
1809:Today Karl Ludwig Borne, the Frankfort born son of Jacob Baruch “secured hisdegree as doctor of philosophy” today in Glessen.
1809:A group of 70 people led by the followers of the Vilna Gaon arrived in EretzYisrael.
1816:Today “the Austrian Beobachter, a semi-official government newspaper,vigorously attacked Lubeck for having expelled the Jews, without waiting forthe action on the Jewish question by the Diet.” (Max J. Kohler)
1817:Frederick VI granted Hartvig Philip Ree “the right to build a sugar refinery atAarhus.”
1820:Birthdate of composer and conductor Jules Stern the native of Breslau “whoestablished his reputation” when he conducted the first performance ofMendelssohn’s oratorio “Elijah” in 1847.
1821:Herman Hendricks married Abigial Rose Levein at the Great Synagogue today.
1823(1stof Elul, 5583): Rosh Chodesh Elul coincides with the birthdate of French “realistpainter and printmaker whose works in “Trois Vieux Juifs” (Three Old Jews)which was completed in 1880 and can be found hanging at Musée Antoine-Lécuyerin Saint-Quentin.
1827(15thof 5587): Tu B’Av
1827:Moses ben Abraham HaCohen married Beila bat Menahem Mendel at the WesternSynagogue today.
1827:Ralph Solomon married Blumah Simmons today at the Great Synagogue
1829(9thof Av, 5589) Parshat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon; Erev Tish’a B’Av
1829:In Paris, Lucinde Paradol and Léon Halévy the son of the writer and chazzanÉlie Halévy gave birth to journalist Lucien-Anatole Prévost-Paradol
1837(7thof Av, 5597): David B. Nones, the Philadlephia born son of Miriam Marks andBenjamin Abraham None who were married in 1782 who was the husband of HannahNones and the father of Benjamin Nones passed away today.
1838:In Barbados, a letter was read today from J.W. Lyon of Edinburgh requesting aidto rebuild their synagogue – a request which had to be declined due to lack offunds.
1838:In London, Frances Cohen and Joel Benjamin gave birth to Julia Benjamin, thewife of Abraham Ornstien with whom she had nine children.
1840(10thof Av, 5600): Tisha B’Av observed
1840(10thof Av, 5600); Thirty-two-year-old Rebecca Cohen, the Philadelphia born “daughterof Zalegman Phillips and Arabella Phillips, the wife of Jacob Cohen, Jr. and otherof Zalegman Cohen” passed away today in Charleston, SC.
1841:In Paris, Fanny Heilbronner and Isaac Samuel gave birth to Albert Samuel.
1846:Second and concluding day dedicatory services for the Eagle Street Synagogue inCleveland, Ohio.
1847:In Cracow, “Gittel Beer” and “Simmel Horowitz” gave birth to MaximilianHorowitz.
1849:Birthdate of Henri Cordier, the native of New Orleans who grew up in France andeventually became President of the Sociétéde Géographie
1850(30thof Av, 5610): Rosh Chodesh Elul
1854:The New York Times reported that all of thepeople of Jamaica, regardless of religious persuasion, have respondedsympathetically to the plight of the Jews living in Jerusalem and other partsof Palestine. They have raised $2,000 tohelp alleviate their suffering which includes the effects of a famine broughton by an outbreak of “pestilence” and skyrocketing food prices. The suffering of the Jewish communities isblamed on Czar Nicholas who has prevented the Jews from receiving financial aidusually sent from Russia.
1857: In Fairfield, CT, “railroad tycoon William HenryOsborn and his wife, Virginia Reed Osborn gave birth to Dr. Henry FairfieldOsbron proponent of “biological determination” that was being used to keepJewish immigrants from entering the United States as could be seen during “thehearings for the emergency immigration law of 1921.
1859(8th of Av, 5619): Erev Tish’a B’Av
1862: Philadelphia native Henry Arnold began his servicewith Company F of the 123rd Regiment, a unit that would see actionfour months later at the Battle of Fredericksburg.
1862: During the Civil War, Philadelphian Michael Baerbegan serving as a First Lieutenant in Company F of the 123rdRegiment.
1865: Today in London, at 10 Bell Lane, Spitafields, 23-year-oldRosey Joseph married 23-year-old Moses Gomes Da Costa, the son of Aaron GomesDa Costa
1866: In London, tea planter and journalist EdwardEbenezer Meakin and his wife Sarah Ann Budgett gave birth to James Meakin theauthor of The Moors: A Comprehensive Description that included “achapter on the literal and primitive customs of the Jews as practiced by theJews of Morocco” which “offers material for a comparative study of the socialand religious customs of Israel in Morocco with the observance of Jewishceremonial in other countries.”
1868:Baron James Mayer Rothschild purchased a Chateau for 4.4 million francs. Theestate became Château Lafite Rothschild. However, Baron James, died just threemonths after purchasing Lafite and the estate became the joint property of histhree sons: Alphonse, Gustave, and Edmond.
1871:The Court of Special Sessions in New York, Judge Shandley presiding heard anunusual case today. Mr. Robert Thomas,a member of the Alanson Methodist Episcopal Church complained that a Jew namedNathan Koyofski was disturbing their Sabbath (Sunday) Services with noise madeby his sewing machine. Koyofski lives in a tenement adjoining the buildinghousing the church. Requests from churchmembers that he stop his work had proven fruitless so they were forced to takelegal action. Koyofski ‘s lawyer contendedthat any attempt by the state to dictate which days were for work and whichwere for worship “would be an infringement of fundamental Americanprinciples…” Shandley found Koyofskiguilty of violating the law that stated “explicitly that no one shouldwillfully disturb religious worship, of whatever nature it might be…” Ifanybody disrobed the Jews on Saturday, they would have an equal righ tocomplain. The Judge suspended thesentence. But he warned Koyofski that if he were brought before him again on asimilar charge, he would have to go to jail.
1873(15thof Av,5633): Tu B’Av
1873:Louis and Lillian (Wolff) Seligsberg gave birth to Alice Lillie Seligsberg asocial worker and Zionist who helped to found Hadassah.
1873:Birthdate of Marguerite R. Falks, the wife of Gustave Falk.
1877:In Forkland, AL, Maurice and Jennie (Samter) Levy gave birth to Yale Phi BetaKappa graduate and Columbia trained attorney Louis Samter Levy, the husband ofIrma Boskowitz and co-founder of Pi Lamba Phi Fraternity in 1895
1878(9thof Av, 5638): Tish’a B'Av
1878:In Russia, Liebe and Eliyahu Leib Levine gave birth to Rabbi Lipman Levine, the“spiritual leader of Congregation Agudath Achim Anshe New Lots” and who was thehusband “of the former Frayde Syma Grudo with whom he had two daughters andseven sons – Herman, Sol, Samuel, Jack, Abraham and Zush.
1878:Abraham Moses Jacobson (Yankelewitz) and Sarah Leah Jacobson (Yankelewitz) gavebirth to Rebecca Jacobson who in 83 years of life never married.
1879:A major fire has destroyed much of Sarajevo today including the city’s Jewishquarter.
1881(13thof Av, 5641): Just 6 days before his 52nd birthday Jules Moch aColonel of the 130th Regiment in the French Army, the father ofGaston Moch and the grandfather of Jules S. Moch passed away.
1881:Birthdate of Prussian native Gus Edwards, the American song writer and “talentscout” whose discoveries included Eddie Cantor and George Jessel and who wasmarried to his wife, the former Lilian Boulanger for almost forty years.
1882:“Discontented Russian Jews” published today provided the reasons for the angryoutbursts that had taken place yesterday at the offices of the Hebrew EmigrantAid Society. After having been subject to indignities in various Europeancities as they made their way to the United States, several of the Jews feltbetrayed when they found out that they would not be receiving 160 acres and enough financial support to begin life asfarmers. At the same time, their lack oflanguage skills has made them feel they will never be able to earn a living,and some are so frustrated that they want to return to Russia.
1882:The Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society was reported to be sending groups of Russianimmigrants to agricultural communities near Hartford, CT and Vineland, CO on adaily basis. The society is planning onsending 25 men to South Orange, NJ next week so that they can start a newcolony.(The unprecedented mass migration of Eastern European Jews was alreadyoverwhelming available resources in the first of its four decades)
1883:It was reported today that the dinner provided at the recently held conferenceof Jewish congregations in Cincinnati was a violation of Jewish dietary lawssince included Little Neck clams, soft shell crabs and shrimp salad. Inresponse to reports that some “of the conservative congregations would withdrawfrom the union,” Rabbi Wise disavowed responsibility for the menu since it waspaid for by private individuals who could spend their money as theyplease. Besides, the rabbi said that“the American Hebrews’ religion does not center in the kitchen or the stomach.”
1883:Anti-Jewish riots broke out in Budapest following the acquittal of Jews chargedwith the ritual murder of Esther Solymose
1884:It was reported today that “The Woskhod,the Hebrew journal, has received a warning from the authorities for violatingthe press laws.” (This must be areference to Voskhod, a monthly founded by Adolph Landau in 1881.
1885(27thof Av, 5645): Parashat Re’eh
1885:“The Four Great Moses” published today identifies the leading Jews with thatname – Moses of Biblical fame, Moses Ben Maimon (Maimonides), Moses Mendelssohnand Moses Montefiore, who “put into practice the teachings of his three greatpredecessors…”
1886(7thof Av, 5646): Gedaliah Tiktin the son Solomon Tiktin whom he succeeded as therabbi in Breslau and who received the Order of the Red Eagle for his servicesrendered during the Franco-Prussian War passed away today.
1887A payment of $1, 097.23 was made to Leopold Feiss today by the Union ofAmerican Hebrew Congregations.
1887:A payment of $157.57 was made to A.J. Friedlander to by the Union of AmericanHebrew Congregations.
1888(1stof Elul, 5648): Rosh Chodesh Elul
1888:In Harrisburg, PA, “ Julius Kantor, a German orthodox rabbi, and Mary, aLithuanian, who immigrated to Pennsylvania some years earlier” gave birth toJ.R. (Jacob Robert) Kantor , the American psychologist who, while at theUniversity of Chicago married Helen rich with he had one child, “Helen J.Kantor, “the professor at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.”
1888:Birthdate of Austrian native Maurice Moses Maisel, who came to the UnitedStates in 1897 after which he moved to Albuquerque, NM where he operated astore.
1889:The funeral of Isaac Phillips is scheduled to take place today at his home inNew York City.
1889:The United States Deputy Marshall said that “Simon Baruch, a Spanish Jewsaccused of stealing approximately $150,000 while in Austria arrived at New Yorkaboard the SS Harmonia.
1889:In San Francisco, CA, Charles and Camilla (Mandlebaum) Altschul gave birth toEdith Altschule who gained gamed as Mrs. Herman H. Lehman, the wife of New York Governor and United States SenatorHerman Lehman.]
1890:N.J. Arbeely was appointed to serve as an interpreter at the Barge Office (themajor entry point for immigrants in New York) based on his fluency in severalforeign languages which includes Hebrew.
1890:A squad of police moved through an a area bounded by Hester, Essex, Division,Orchard and Norfolk streets arrestingfifty immigrants, including a number of Jews for violating city ordinancesconcerning pushcarts, stands and other commercial conveyances that blocked thestreets.
1890:The will of the late Alexander Bach was filed for probate today.
1890:Mendel Feldstein saw two men, one of whom was Jacob Rohnewitch bury$90 worth ofjewelry that they had stolen from Israel Simovitch.
1891:Birthdate of German violinist Adolf Busch.Busch was not Jewish. But earlyon, he saw the dangers of the rise of Hitler and moved to Switzerland. When WWII he moved to the United States where he continued his career until his deathin 1952.
1891:“No Swindle Like This One” published today described commercial machinationsengineered by Steve Ryan of Atlanta, GAwhich victimized nearly 400 people most of whom were Jewish merchantsfrom several locations in the United States.
1892:In London Golda Blonstein and Isaac Freehof gave birth to Solomon BennettFreehof “a prominent Reform rabbi, posek, and scholar. A native of London, hemoved to the U.S. in 1903, received a degree from the University of Cincinnatiin 1914 and was ordained by Hebrew Union College in 1915. He was a World War I army chaplain, a liturgyprofessor at HUC, and a rabbi at Chicago's Congregation Kehillath Anshe Maaravbefore moving to Pittsburgh.”
RabbiFreehof served as president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis andthe World Union for Progressive Judaism. Beginning in 1955, he led the CCAR'swork on Jewish law through its responsa committee. He also spearheaded changesto Reform liturgy with revisions to the Union Prayer Book. For many years, heserved as the pulpit rabbi at Rodef Shalom in Pittsburgh, PA.” According to the congregation, "For morethan 35 years, Dr. Freehof's weekly book review series attracted audiences ofmore than 1,500 Christians and Jews." He retired in 1966 and passed awayin 1990. He was a descendant of the Alter Rebbe.
1893:Reverend Herman P. Faust of the Hebrew Christian Mission accused the UnitedHebrew Charities of refusing to give needy Jews. He specifically cited the case of JosephKorman, a Russian Jew whom he said had been denied aid and when he died it wasleft to his group to pay for the burial and provided for his widow and orphans(more to come tomorrow)
1894:In Manhattan, Louis Weinstein and Anna Goldman. Benjamin H Whinston, thegraduate of Cooper Union School of Architecture and a senior architect andspecification writer with the State Housing and Community Renewal Division whohad three children – Bertram, George and Roberta – with his wife, the FormerFrancis Klein.
1895:Birthdate of New Jersey Law School graduate and “vice dean of the University ofNewark” Aaron Lasser, “an organizer and former President of the Newark YoungMen’s and Young Women’s Hebrew Association” and husband of Hazel Lasser withwhom he had two children – Lawrence and John,
1895:Birthdate of Annie Stein Lazarus, the wife of Sam Lazarus with whom she had
fivechildren – Jacob, Leon, Frances, Ralph and Irwin – before passing away in 1970and being buried in the Valdosta, Georgia.
1897(10thof Av, 5657): Tish’a B’Av observed
1897(10thof Av, 5657): Forty-eight-year-old German chemist Viktor Meyer, the Berlin bornson “trader and cotton printer Jacques Meyer” and his wife Bertha who contributed greatly to knowledge of bothorganic and inorganic chemistry and invented an apparatus for determining vapordensities (and hence molecular weights), now named after him passed away today.
1897:“From Cactus Aristocracy” published today described society in Los Angeleswhere “the big fortunes are held …by three classes: “the native ranch interest;” “the lumber dealers;” and “the Jews.” “TheJews…are socially conspicuous but less obtrusive than either of the other two.”
1897:It was reported today that Herr von Diest’s pamphlet that accuses Bismarck of“gaining wealth by questionable methods” will delight the anti-Semites becauseof its attacks on the Rothschilds and Gerson von Bleichröder, the Jewish bankerwho handled financial matters for the Chancellor and Prussia.
1898(20thof Av, 5658) Sixty-seven-year-old Adolph Sutro, the first Jewish mayor of SanFrancisco who made his fortune in the Comstock Lode passed away today.
1899Israel Zangwill is scheduled to return to New York today after visiting withJudge Meyer Sulzberger in Philadelphia
1899:Three days after she had passed away, Anna Hendelah Waley, the daughter ofPhillip Joseph Salomons and Cecilia Salomons and the wife of Simon Waley wasburied today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery today.
1899:Funeral services for Myer Stern were held in the Temple Emanu-El todayforenoon, and many men prominent in business and fraternal circles werepresent. Rabbi Gustav Gottheil and his assistant, Dr. Joseph Silverman,officiated. In an earnest eulogy Rabbi Gottheil spoke of Mr. Stern'sphilanthropic character, and of his activities in various organizations. In hisbrief eulogy Rabbi Silverman said “Myer Stern made the world better for beinghere. He catered neither to the great nor the strong but follolowed where theprinciples of truth, right and justice led.”Mr. Stern was the author of The Rise and Progress of Reform Judaism :Embracing a History Made from the Offical Records of Temple Emanu-El of NewYork, with a Description of Salem.
1900:In Dresden, Rosa Philippine (née Blum) and Ignatz Siodmak gave birth to GermanAmerican director Robert Siodmak.
1900:Today “Moses Lehman hosted a 20th birthday party for his daughterLillian Lehman at the Chalybeate Springs Hotel in Bedford, PA
1900:Birthdate of composer and conductor Victor Young, the native of Chicago who has“received 22 Academy Award nominations.”
1901:It was reported today that “The Rogers Brothers and their company, under thedirection of Klaw and Erlanger will appear at an “entertainment for the benefitof the Seaside Sanitarium for Sick Hebrew Children” to be held at RockawayPark, L.I. on August 10.
1902:In Yelisavetgrad, Russian Empire, “Max Corash, a Jewish doctor facingconscription into the Russian Army” and his wife gave birth to Goldie Corashwho married American real estate developer David Michelson and gained fame assupercentenarian Goldie Michelson
1903(15thof Av, 5663): Shabbat Nachamu and Tu B’Av
1903:Dorothy Levitt drove the Napier motor-boat at Cowes and won the race.
1903:Morris Rosenfeld recited an original poem and A.D. Savage spoke about “Zionismfrom the Christian point of at today’s celebration of the 25thanniversary of the founding of Peta Tikva hosted by the CCNY Students’ ZionistSociety.
1904:Birthdate of Vilna native Yitskhok Shenyer the journalist who moved toMontevido where he edited Unzer Lebn (Our Life) and wrote for Morgnstaytung(Morning newspaper)/
1904:The will of Simon Lavenburg who died on July 5 at Heidelberg, which providesbequests of five thousand dollars each to Mt. Sinai Hospital, the MontefioreHome for Chronic Invalids the Hebrew Benevolent Society and the HebrewBenevolent Society upon the death of his wife, was filed for probate in theSurrogate’s office today.
1904:It was reported today that “B. Fine, a prominent merchant in Fulton, MO,” hasreceived a letter from Abraham Strauss, a boyhood friend serving with theRussian Army at Port Arthur that “tells a pitiful tale of the hardships thatbeing undergone by the Russian soldiers.”
1905:In Ashland, VA, Martha and William E. Dodd, FDR’s first Ambassador to NaziGermany gave birth to William Dodd, Jr.The younger Dodd accompanied his father to the posting in Berlin andbecame an ardent anti-Fascist at a time when famous Americans like Lindberghwere cozying up to Hitler.Unfortunately, like many of his political persuasion he became a victimof the Right Wing Ant-Communist this college professor with a PhD ended hisdays as a clerk at Macy’s. Whatevertheir views before they came to Berlin Ambassador Dodd and both of his childrensaw the danger of the Nazis and tried to warn America about it.
1906:Birthdate of Philadelphia native and University of Pennsylvania trainedattorned Milton Morris Propper the novelist and create of the character ofTommy Rankin, homicide detective.
1907:It was reported today that of the 15,000 Russian Jews who are planning onsettling in the vicinity of Eapico, Mexico once the 100,000 acres necessary forthe project have been purchased, 2,000 of them are already in California while“the remainder will be brought directly from Russia.”
1908(11thof Av, 5668): Shabbat Nachamu
1908:Birthdate of Arthur J. Goldberg. Son of Jewish immigrants from the Ukraine,Goldberg became a labor lawyer who championed the rights of the workers.President Kennedy appointed him as Secretary of Labor in 1961. In 1962, Kennedynamed him as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court to succeed FelixFrankfurter. Goldberg resigned to service as Ambassador to the United Nationsunder President Johnson. Johnson named Abe Fortas to replace Goldberg on theHigh Court. Goldberg passed away in 1990.
1909:First Jewish community organization is founded in Santiago, Chile – SociedadUnon Israelita de Chile. At the sametime in Argentina, a group of Jewish students founded Juventud IsraelitaArgentina which produce a journal entitled Juventud, which became a favoriteamong Argentinian Jewish intellectuals.
1910: In the Bronx, “Rebecca (née Saperstein), aRomanian Jew, and Victor Kosow, a Russian Jewish immigrant who worked as aclothing salesman” gave birth to Sylvia Kosow who as the actress Sylvia SidneySydney arrived in Hollywood after playing leading roles on Broadway just as thetalkie era began. She quickly became one of Paramount's top women stars alongwith Marlene Dietrich, Miriam Hopkins and Claudette Colbert. In the 1950’s hercareer seemed to come to an end.However, she gained fame toward the end of her life playing in thetelevision comedy “WKRP” and the film Bettlejuice. She passed away at the ageof 88.
Actress Sylvia Sidneyborn | Jewish Women's Archive (
1910:Birthdate of Harry A. Pearson, a graduate of Cooper Union and NYU who went onto become director of research at Sonotone Corporation.
1911:During the 62nd Congress Public Law 62-5 sets the number ofrepresentatives in the United States House of Representatives at 435. Therewere 5 Jews serving in the House during the 62nd Congress including, JeffersonLevy, Julius Kahn, Victor Berg, Henry Goldfogle, Adolph Sabath. By contrast,the 111th Congress (the session meeting in 2010) there were 31 Jewsserving in the House of Representatives; 30 Democrats and one Republican.
1911:Moses Gaster, the Romanian born Jewish scholar who was Chief Rabbi of theSephardic communities in England, wrote a letter to the Board of Deputies (thegoverning body of the British Jewish Community) protesting the wording of anamendment introduced into the Slaughter of Animals Bill before Parliament atthe insistence of the Board.
1912:In Brooklyn, Helen Chugerman and attorney Samuel Chugerman gave birth to DanielChugerman who gained fame as award winner director Daniel Mann, whose worksranged from comedies like “The Teahouse of the August Moon” to weighty dramaslike “The Last Angry Man” and who was the father-in-law of Harold Ramis of“Ghostbusters” fame.
1912: Whitman College English Professor RalphBoas and Louise Schultz gave birth to mathematician Ralph Boas, Jr., thegrandson of “Herman and Sarah (Eisenberg) Boas.
1913(5thof Av, 5673): Fifty year old Solomon H. Bauer, the Polish born rabbi who movedto Jerusalem in 1885 with “his son-in-law, Rabbi Chaim Eliezer Waks” where he“turned private homes in a residential religious college” and “cultivated Etrogorchards near Tibeiras” before finally settling in the United States where heled three Chicago Congregations ‘--Agudas Achim North Shore Congregation, MosesMontefiore Congregation and Anshe Emet – passed away today.
1914(16thof Av, 5674): Parashat Vaetchanan and Shabbat Nachamu
1914(16thof Av, 5674): Seventy-six year old George Joseph Emanuel, the London born sonof Jane and Joseph Emanuel and the husband of Elizabeth Emanuel with whom hehad had seven children passed away today in Birmingham, UK.
1914:During WW I, the Germans returned to Kalisz, a city which during the inter-warperiod had a population that was almost thirty per cent Jewish and took andshot 100 hostages.
1914:German industrialist Walter Rathenau went to see the Head of the General WarDepartment in Berlin to offer his support to the war effort. “Rathenau proposed to ‘save Germany fromstrangulation’, and with a few days was put in charge of a specially createdWar Raw Materials Department.” His jobwas to keep Germany in the war. Butbecause he was a civilian and a Jew he was faced with constant hostility fromthe German General Staff.
1915:According to reports published today German correspondents describe Germantroops as being welcomed to Warsaw as liberators by crowds in the streets“filled with Poles, Jews, Germans and Russians.”
1915:After having failed in the attack on Hill 970 during the Gallipoli Campaign,troops under the command of Sir John Monash unsuccessfully attacked Hill 60after which they were withdrawn to Lemnos.
1915:A Conference of Jewish representatives from 110 organizations took place todayat the Educational Alliance Building in New York where plans were made to raiseadditional funds for Jews trapped on the Eastern Front which includes 600,000of their co-religionists.
1915:“A group of secular, Yiddish-speaking socialists formed a third committee, thePeople's Relief Committee (PRC), whose officers were Meyer London, chairman,and Isaac Goldberg, treasurer. The Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) acceptedthe PRC as its third constituent member and limited the organization'sactivities to house to house collections from the non-Orthodox Jewishcommunity.
1916(9thof Av, 5676): Tish’a B’Av
1916:It was reported today that in his sermon marking the start of the Tish’a B’Avobservance Rabbi Mendes told the congregants at Shearith Israel that “it wasparticularly sorrowful to the Jews at this time to know that theirco-religionists were fighting against one another under every banner in Europe”and that “in the heart of every Jew there was the hope that after the struggle(WW I) justice would be done to his race.”
1916:After The Battle of Romani “the last ground attack of the Central Powers on theSuez Canal at the beginning of the Sinai and Palestine Campaign during theFirst World War” which was an Allied victory, the New Zealand Mounted RiflesBrigade and the 3rd Light Horse Brigade reached Debais, while “theBikanir Camel Corps and a squadron of aircraft continued searching the desertsands for missing men.” (Editor’s note – this was a strategic victory for theBritish since it meant the Suez Canal would remain open. It was also the first part of journey thatwould end with Allenby in Jerusalem.)
1917:Birthdate of scriptwriter Malvin Wald who was responsible for the gritty filmnoir “The Naked City” starring Kirk Douglas
1917:During WW I, “representatives of several national Jewish organization met inWashington today and formed the Jewish Board for Welfare Relief Work in theUnited States Army and Navy” which will provide services “for the benefit ofthe 50,000 or more Jewish youths who will be among the first American fightingforces sent to war’ similar to those provided by the YMCA for non-Jewishmilitary personnel.
1918(30thof Av, 5678): Rosh Chodesh Elul
1918:Following the Aisne-Marne Offensive which ended two day ago, future Medal ofHonor Winner William Shemin continued fighting along the Vesle River, near Bazochesfor a second day.
1918:Samuel Brimberg , the Warsaw bornson of Bessie and Joseph Brimberg and the father of Shirley and Elaine RitaBrimberg who came in 1901 came to the United States where he became a directorof the National Wholesale Women’s Wear Association and Merchants Ladies GarmentAssociation, trustee of Beth Israel Hospital in NYC and a member of theBusinessmen’s Council of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropic Societies ofNYC married Florence Rosenberg today.
1918:Australian troops under General John Monash spear headed the successful attackof the British army at the Battle of Amiens.Amiens was the opening round in the great allied offensive that wouldforce the surrender of the German Army.Monash’s key role would be recognized when he was Knight Commandeer ofthe Order of the Bath by King George V.
1919:Birthdate of Murrey Marder, the crusading journalist who was the first toexpose the tissues of lies created by Joe McCarthy during the Anti-Communistwitch hunt – a smear campaign that the Right continues to in the second decadeof the 21st century.
1920:Birthdate of Bernard Schoenbaum, the son of Jewish immigrants, “who in hundredsof cartoons in The New Yorker needled the relatively affluent, themedia-conscious, the irony-besotted and the socially competitive.”
1920:Establishment of Gdud HaAvoda VeHaHaganah al shem Yosef Trumpeldor a “socialistZionist work group also known as Gdud Ha’Avoda that its name from JosephTrumpeldor, the one-armed Russian soldier who died defend Tel Hai from attacksfrom the Arabs.
1921:In Manhattan actress Lillian Bonner and movie producer Ephraim Asher gave birthto “William Asher, a producer, director and screenwriter in the early days oftelevision who directed some two dozen shows — most notably “Bewitched,” whichstarred his wife, Elizabeth Montgomery, and more than 100 episodes of “I LoveLucy” (As reported by Denise Grady)
1922:Birthdate of Gertrude Himmelfarb, the native of Brooklyn who gained fame as BeaKristol, the husband of Irving Kristol and mother of William Kristol who hasmade her career as an intellectual historian and has perhaps made her largermark on the world as a conservative public intellectual.
1922:In Vienna, Siegmund Gernreich and Elisabeth (née Müller) Gernreich gave birthto Rudi Gernreich, a designer ofAmerican fashions for women who created and/or popularized such then daringitems as the miniskirt and the topless bathing suit.
1922: Birthdate of Dr. Leon Eisenberg, who“conducted some of the first rigorous studies of autism, attention deficitdisorder and learning delays and became a prominent advocate for childrenstruggling with disabilities.” (As reported by Benedict Carey
1923: Samuel J. Bloomingdale, the President ofBloomingdale Bros. hosted a luncheon at his office today during which FrancisLeffler announced the completion of plans to raise funds from the manufacturersin the house furnishing trades that will help erase the $500,000 deficit in thebudget of the New York Federation that supports the Jewish PhilanthropicSocieties. (As reported by JTA)
1924: In Bălți, Simon Greenberg and his wife gavebirth to Lia Greenberg whose parents sent her to Palestine in 1940 where gainedfamed as Lia van Leer “the founder of the Haifa Cinematheque, the JerusalemCinematheque, the Israel Film Archive and the Jerusalem Film Festival.”
1924: PlutarioElias Calles, President-elect of Mexico, spent a few hours in Atlantic Citytoday for the so he could meet with Jewish labor leader Samuel Gompers and theExecutive Council of the American Federation of Labor, which is in session hereat the Ambassador Hotel.
1925: In one of their largest rallies ever, 40,000Ku Klux Klansmen marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. The Klansmen marched in full hooded regaliaand were watched by adoring throngs. TheKlan was not just a Southern organization.Large groups could be found in such Mid-Western states as Illinois,Indiana and Ohio. The Klan wasanti-Semitic as well as anti-Catholic and opposed to all non-Caucasian racesincluding African-Americans. Memories ofthis march help to explain the timidity of the Jews in the 1930’s when it cameto pressing the case for opening the doors to refugees from Nazi Europe.
1925:In Manhattan, Michael Goldman, “a native of Dublin” and “the former RebeccaPerlman” both of whom were lawyers gave birth to Arnold Perlman Gold, the TexasLonghorn undergrad and “pediatric neurologist who, along with his wife Sandrawas a leading proponent of “an empathetic bedside manner.” (As reported byRichard Sandomir)
1926:Hundreds of residents of the Jewish quarter of Paris assembled at the Garenordstation at 11 o'clock tonight to greet the poet Chaim Nachman Bialiak withshouts of "Heidad!", and the singing of Hatikvah on his visit to theFrench capital after “the conclusion of the Zionist Actions Committee inLondon.” (JTA)
1927:It was reported today that having won their eleventh and final game atHawthorne Field, the Maccabees of Palestine finished their American tour with arecord of five victories and defeats, in addition to one tie.
1928:Birthdate of Toronto of Oscar nominated scriptwriter Stanley Mann father ofLondon born British broadcaster Daniel Richler.
1929:Heinrich Himmler and his wife gave birth Gudrun Margarete Elfriede Emma AnnaHimmler, their only biological child” who was loyal to her father up until themoment of her death in 2018.
1928(22ndof Av, 5688): Seventy-four year old Alfred S. Brandeis, the son of Adolph andFredericka Brandeis, the husband of Jennie Brandeis and the brother of LouisBrandeis, the first Jewish Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court passedaway today.
1929:“On the ground that Alfred Dreyfus, a writer and sculptor, has been committedto a sanitarium as insane although he is of sound mind, an application wasmade” today “to Supreme Court Justice Frankenthaler for an order directing thatthe question of his sanity be determined by a jury. Dreyfus had been committed to a mentalinstitution more than a year ago by his brother Walter Ludwig Drefyus.
1930:Today, four anti-Semitic students, disciples of Professor Cuza, were arrestedand sentenced to anywhere from one to four weeks in jail for threatening thelife of Minister of Justice Junian
1931:Birthdate of Joshua Matza Israeli political figure and “president and CEO ofState of Israel Bonds, a global enterprise that generates more than $1 billionin annual sales. Israel utilizes the funds for economic development projects.Matza was recommended for the post in 2002 by then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharonand then-Finance Minister Silvan Shalom. Matza served 18 years in the Knesset,Israel’s parliament, as a member of the Likud party. He was a cabinet ministerin the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, holding the portfolio of minister ofhealth. Matza also served 20 years on the Jerusalem City Council, 10 of whichwere in the capacity of deputy mayor.”
1931:The Arab National Association adopts a resolution indicating that the Arabs donot intend to obey the government's orders to cease agitation against sealedarmories and will continue to defy the British government in Palestine.
1932:Robert K. Straus and Arthur Sulzberger were among the official guests whoattended tonight’s dinner meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations where theprincipal speaker was the U.S. Secretary of State.
1933:Dr. Daniel Mulvihill, a New Yorker visiting Berlin “was assaulted by a Germancitizen…apparently because he had failed ‘to salute a Nazi detachment.’”
1933:The police and the Aeronautics Board of the Department Commerce began aninvestigation today into reports that a an unidentified plane had, for the lasttwo days, been dropping German language pamphlets on a meeting of the UnitedSingers Society protesting the exclusion of the Friends of the New German fromits activities. The Friends of Germanyis pro-Nazi while the United Singers Society is a conservative Germanorganization that does not support the Nazis.The investigation was begun at the behest of Albert F. Frosh, presidentof the United Singers Society.
1933:In Czernowitz, Romania, the Maccabee sports organization submits a claim for100,000 lei as compensation for cancelling the Maccabiade, international meetof Jewish athletes, forbidden by Rumanian Government, owing to fears that LordMelchett, head of Maccabee World Union, would be molested by anti-Semites. LordMelchett was Sir Alfred Moritz Mond, the son of Ludwig Mond. He was a leading British businessman,politician and supporter of Zionism.
1933:The German Government announced that those East European Jews who will bedeprived of their citizenship in accordance with a recent decree will be giventhe status of Staatenlose (men without citizenship in any country); thisexplanation is accompanied by estimates that 10,300 East-European Jews had beennaturalized in Prussia alone since 1922.
1933:The All-German Richard Wagner Association, meeting at Beiruth to arrange forthe Wagner Festival, decides to amend its by-laws so as to exclude all"non-Aryans," and to instruct its branches throughout Germany toexpel Jewish members. It was actions like this that created the myth thatWagner, who was dead by now, was an anti-Semite.
1933: In Regina, the Jewish ColonizationAssociation prepares statistics for the World's Grain Exhibition and Conferencewhich show that 557,000 Jews in eight countries engage in agriculture andcultivate 5,410,750 acres of land, and that the Jewish farmers in Canada raise500,000 bushels of wheat annually. The family of Ekiel Bronfman was one ofthose Jewish families who did not succeed in its agricultural endeavors. Thanks to Ekiel’s son Sam, they found anotherway to make money from grain besides growing it
1933:In Germany, The Ministry of Labor issues an ordinance which provides that noJewish physician is to remain associated with any sick benefit association,with the exception of front-line war veterans, and establishes an official listof sick fund doctors, from which all Jews are excluded.
1934:Station WBNX is scheduled to broadcast the “Jewish Woman’s Hour” at 1:30 thisafternoon.
1935(9thof Av, 5695): Tish’a B’Av
1935(9th of Av, 5695): Yiddish poetess Rivka Galin passed away
1935:“Following complaints from Dr. Schacht plus reports on the public disagreementwith the wave of anti-Semitic violence, Hitler ordered a stop to"individual actions" against German Jews today.”
1936:The World Jewish Congress was convened in Geneva. Stephen Wise and NahumGoldman founded the Congress. Although they organized a boycott of Germangoods, they felt that a more direct approach would prompt the Nazis "toeven harsher policies."
1936:“Girls’ Dormitory” starring French born actress Simone Simon whose Jewishfather would die in a WW II concentration camp was distributed in the UnitedStates today by 20th Century Fox.
1937(1stof Elul, 5697): Rosh Chodesh Elul
1937(1stof Elul, 5697): Sixty-four-year-old Theodore A. Peyser the native ofCharleston, West Virginia, passed away today while representing New York’s 17thcongressional district.
1937:As the debate over the Peel Commission Report continued Rabbi Dr. Stephen Wise,president of the Zionist Organization of America, assailed the partition planas abandonment of trust, but his rejection did not oppose the very idea of thecreation of a Jewish state. He said that Great Britain cannot say that itfailed as a trustee. It failed to try and, if the whole truth be told, it hastried to fail. David Ben-Gurion refused even to consider the notion that Jewsmight ever remain a minority in their homeland. He wanted Eretz Yisrael toprovide the solution to the entire Jewish problem. Ben-Gurion held that theJewish state should be proclaimed immediately, as an alternative to the PeelCommission's partition. This will accelerate the country's development and Jewswill become a powerful factor in Palestine. He firmly believed that Jews andArabs can live in peace. A decade later Ben-Gurion would take an oppositestance and embrace partition with Jerusalem as an international city.Ben-Gurion was a Zionist. He was also a realist and statesman.
1937:In Los Angeles, Lillian (née Gold) and prop supervisor Harry Hoffman gave birthto their second son Dustin Hoffman, the younger brother of attorney andeconomist Ronald Hoffman.
1938:Sir Harold Alfred MacMichael, the High Commissioner of Trans-Jordan andCommander in Chief of Palestine issued an appeal for an end to the “ruinouscampaign of murder and sabotage.
1938:An Italian newspaper, the Tevere, printed an attack on the Jewishhistorian Emil Ludwig. The attack onLudwig was triggered by comments about“the race problem” made by Mussolini “in 1932 that are included in hisbook, Conversations With Mussolini that are in sharp contrast with theviews now expressed by the Fascist dictator who has allied himself with Hitler.
1938:Hadassah headquarters in the United States received a cable from the YouthAliyah offices in Berlin stating that fifty seven Jewish boys and girls fleeingGermany and Austria had arrived in Palestine and that another 110 young Jewishrefugees embarked today for the trip to Palestine.
1938:The Nazis opened the Mauthausen-Gusen Concentration camp.
1939:“French customs authorities announced today that two ships carrying Jewishrefugees who presumably intended to slip into from France from Italy had beenseized during the night in the Mediterranean off the coast of Monaco.
1940: Today, when Hermann Goering instructed theGerman Air Force to commence Operation Adler “he informed his subordinates that‘within a short period you will wipe the British Air Force from the sky.”
(Editor’sNote – if he been correct, the Holocaust would have come to the British Islesand who knows where else. And all of the“smart people:” including Lindbergh and Joe Kennedy, the American Ambassador tothe Court of St. James” thought Goering would have his airborne victory.)
1941(15thof Av, 5701): Tu B’Av
1941(15thof Av, 5701): Samuel David “Solomon” Farber, the son of Anna Frida Farber andthe husband of Bella Farber passed away today in Seattle after which he wasburied in the Seattle Historic Sephardic Cemetery
1941:Neilma Myer, the daughter of Australian businessman and philanthropist SidneyMyer, became Neilma Gantner when she married Vallejo Gantner in Melbourne.
1941:In Hungary, enactment of The "Third Jewish Law" which prohibitedintermarriage and penalized sexual intercourse between Jews and non-Jews.
1941:Georges Mandel, the Franco-Jewish journalist who became a leader of theResistance and whom Winston Churchill “was believed to have preferred as aleader of the Free French” instead of DeGaulle was arrested “on the orders ofPierre Laval the Prime Minister of the fascist, anti-Semitic Vichy government.
1941:Corporal Hank Greenberg, the all-star baseball player now serving with the U.S.Army is placed in charge of a five man anti-tank crew.
1942:Gerhart Mortiz Riegner sent the “Riegner Telegram” describing plans for theFinal Solution to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the President of the World JewishCongress. “Have received through foreign office following message from RiegnerGeneva STOP Received alarming report that in Fuhrers headquarters plandiscussed and under consideration all Jews in countries occupied or controlledGermany number 3½ to 4 million should after deportation and concentration inEast at one blow exterminated to resolve once and for all Jewish question inEurope.”
1942:“During World War II, six German saboteurs who secretly entered the UnitedStates on a mission to attack its civil infrastructure were executed by theUnited States for spying” today.
1942(25thof Av, 5702): Parashat Re’eh
1942(25thof Av, 5702): Eighty-two-year-old Samuel Ach, the Dayton, OH born son of JacobAch, the husband of the former Esther Ruth Kahn and the head of the Samuel AchCompany of Cincinnati, OH which a “tailor made hat department.”
1942:All 2,000 Jews of Szczebrzeszyn refused to gather for a deportation round up.The Germans commenced a search for them. Only 400 were found. They were allkilled.
1943:The JNF, under the leadership of its president, Dr. Israel Goldstein,“disclosed today that I had cabled $500,000 to Palestine for new landacquisition.”
1943:Today, “Moses Schonfeld, the honorary secretary of the American Chapter of theReligious Emergency Council of the Chief Rabbi of Great Britain…releaseddetails of the program for the Jewish day of mourning that has been proclaimedby the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, Dr. J.H. Hertz”
1944:The Frank family and all those who had been hiding with them in attic weretaken from their prison cells and sent to the Westerbork Concentration Camp.
1944:After a kangaroo trial in Berlin that was overseen by Goebbels, Hitler hungseveral of the German officers and other conspirators who tried to kill him.They are hung on meat hooks with chicken wire around their necks. The butcheryis filmed and sent to Hitler for review. Over the next several months many moreconspirators would be sent to trial.
1944:Seventy-seven-year-old Gustav Fruend who had been living in Prague before beingdeported to Terezin was murdered there today.
1944(19thof Av, 5704): Famed expressionist painterChaim Soutine passed away. Bornin Belarus in 1894, Soutine moved to Paris in 1911 where he developed hisunique style. He flourished in the inter-war years. However, his good timeswere not to last after the invasion of France by German troops at the start ofWorld War II. As a Jew, Soutine had to escape from the French capital and hidein order to avoid arrest by the Gestapo. He constantly moved from one place toanother and was sometimes forced to seek shelter in forests, sleeping outdoors.Suffering from a stomach ulcer and bleeding badly he had to leave his safehiding place for Paris in order to undergo emergency surgery, which failed tosave his life. Chaim Soutine died of a perforated ulcer just two weeks beforethe French capital was freed by Allied forces. After his death his vivid colorsand passionate handling of paint gained him recognition as one of the foremostExpressionist painters. If Soutine had merely been an Expressionist Painter andnot a Jewish Expressionist Painter, he would have probably lived to a ripe oldage covered with glory and honors.
1944:Wireless operator Denise Bloch, a French born Jewish secret agent working withthe SOE (the British version of the American OSS) was shackled to one of herfellow agents today after having captured by the Nazis and was placed on atrain – the first leg of a trip that would end with her execution atRavensbruck.
1945:2nd Lt. Stanley H. Levine, a flight engineer attached to the “20thAir Force” a unit of the USAAF in the Pacific was reportedly captured today andbecame a POW.
1945:Birthdate of Boston native and Tufts graduate Barbara Ruth Greenberg who gainedfame as romance novelist Barbara Delinsky, the author of “19 New York Timesbest sellers” and the wife of Steve Delinsky.
1945:First baseman Mike Schemer made his major league debut with the New YorkGiants.
1946:The Committee on Army and Navy Religious Activities of the National Welfareannounced that appointment of five rabbis --- Ralph H. Blumenthal, MaxA.Bradue, Edward Ellenbogen, Philip Pincus and Samuel Rosen – “all of whomserved overseas during the war,” to serve as Chaplains in the regular Armywhich marked a departure from past procedure when “rabbis had served in theOfficers Reserve Corpos and were called to active duty only during times ofnational emergency or for peace-time maneuvers.”
1946:“President Truman was confronted tonight, on the eve of the deadline set by theBritish Cabinet for his answer, with a unanimous opinion that his approval ofthe proposed federation plan for Palestine would violate the Constitution ofthe United States.”
1947:The Empire Lifeguard which had suffered a hold blown its hole at Haifa whiletransporting Jewish DPs was “refloated today and towed to Port Said” forrepairs
1948(3rdof Av, 5708): Seventy-eight year old Leo Morris Franklin, a leading Reformrabbi who served Temple Beth El in Detroit from 1899 to 1941, passed awaytoday.
1948:As the Arab states divided the pieces of Palestine they had seized an order wasissued today “vested an Egyptian Administrator-General with the powers of theHigh Commissioner.”
1949:Today, the death toll from the bombing of a Synagogue in Damascus erev Shabbatrose to twelve while another eighteen victims are still in the hospital
1950(25thof Av, 5710): Seventy-nine-year-old New York City native and Jewishphilanthropist Morris Golde, the retired “head of the clothing firm of S. Golde& Sons” and “a founder of the Society for the Advancement of Judaism whoraised two sons and two daughters with his wife Becky Golde, passed away todayin New York. (Editor’s note – not to be confused with a New York businessman ofthe same name who passed away in 2001.
1950:Today, one of the guests who attended Lillian Lehman’s 20th birthdayparty hosted a party at the same hotel to celebrate the 70thbirthday of Lillian Lehman Strassburger the wife of Harvey Strassburger.
1951:Birthdate of Bronx native Martin Brest the NYU grad who went on to a career asa director, screenwriter and producer that got its biggest start with “Going inStyle” and “Beverly Hills Cop.”
1953: Birthdate of Donny Most who played Ralph inthe sitcom “Happy Days.”
1953:Birthdate of Alexander Pinkhosovich Podrabinek the Russian born human rightsactivist and “refusnik”
1954(9thof Av, 5714): Tish’a B’Av
1954((9thof Av, 5714): Eighty-one-year old attorney William Lieberman, the native of Szentes,Austria-Hungary who in 1878 came to the United States where he graduated fromCity College, became active in Republican politics in Brooklyn which led to himserving as delegate to the 1924 National Republic Convention where he authoredan ant-Ku Klux Klan Resolution and served as the Federal census supervisor andchief enumeration supervisor of New York, passed away today in Queens, NY.
1957(11thof Av, 5717): Sixty-nine-year-old Russian born American civil engineer LazarusTrommer the graduate of Cooper Union who 1905 came to the United States wherehe also pursued a literary career using the pen name Elbert Aidline and whoraised two daughters, Alice and Rachel, with his wife the former Sarah Sussmanpassed away today.
1958:In North Woodmere, NY, Morris S. Friedman, the rabbi at “Temple Hillel, aConservative Congregation” and his wife, Addi Fried,a “a high school Englishteacher” gave birth to NYU trained attorney and the United States Ambassador toIsrael David Melech Friedman, the husband of Tammy Deborah Sand.
1958:Birthdate of Columbia trained attorney and best-selling author Michael G. Levin.
1959(4thof Av, 5719): Shabbat Chazon
1959:Kaddish is said today for Salman Schocken, “the book publisher and former headof a department-store chain in Germany who passed away two days ago inSwitzerland.
1960(15th of Av, 5720): Tu B’Av
1960:A version of "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" is anovelty song telling the story of a shy girl wearing a revealing polka dotbikini at the beach” co-written Lee Pockriss hit number one on the BillboardHot 100 today.
1960(15thof Av, 5720): Seventy-one-year-old Harvard trained attorney and former specialjustice of the Dorchester Municipal Court, Jacob J. Kaplan who for “nearly 50years was a leader of the Greater Boston Jewish Community and who raised threesons with his wife Anne passed away today.
1961:In Indianapolis, IN, building contractor Stanley Klain and travel agent SarannHorwitz gave birth to Georgetown grad and Harvard trained attorney Ron Klain,who began serving as White House Chief of Staff under Joe Biden on January 20,2021 and who raised three children – Hannah, Michael and Daniel – with his wifeMonica Media.
1961:In New York, The State Investigation Commission chaired by Lithuanian nativeGoodman A. Sarachan “decided to withhold a report on three political figureswho it has said merit further investigation and possible disciplinary action.”
1962:“Valley Jewish Center Dedication Scheduled” published today in the Los Angeles Times
1963:Joseph Horowitz, the chairman of the board of the Kaiser-Nelson Corporation inCleveland and the member of a Mission of the Jewish Welfare Federation thatwent to France where he heard hundreds of Jews speak of their past lives whichhelped inspire him and his wife to create a Judaica Collection which is on display at the MansionMuseum at Ogelbay Institute in Wheeling, W.VA is to speak tonight at the MansionMuseum on “collecting rarities.:
1963:In New York, “comedy writer Saul Turtletaub” and his wife gave birth todirector and producer Jonathan Charles “Jon” Turtletaub who is responsible forsome forgettable films such as “3 Ninjas.”
1964(30thof Av, 5724): Parashat Re’eh; Rosh Chodesh Elul
1964:French music man Serge Gainsbourg and his second wife Françoise-Antoinette"Béatrice" Pancrazzi gave birth to their daughter Natacha.
1964:“Della” a dramatic film with music by Fred Steiner was released today in theUnited States.
1964:It was reported that Alaska Democrat Ernest Gruening was one of only twoSenators to vote against the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. The two senators saw the resolution as“unconstitutional because it was ‘a pre-dated declaration of war power’reserved to Congress. This vote cost him his seat in the Senate; a fate thatmany of the johnny-come-lately opponents such as the anti-Semite J. WilliamFulbright were spared.
1965(10thof Av, 5725): Tish’a B’Av
1965(10thof Av, 5725): Eighty-seven-year-old San Francisco native Edith Jacobi Baerwaldpassed away today passed away today in Neptune, NJ.
1965(10thof Av, 5725: Seventy-one-year-old Minsk native Sidney Davidson, the founder of“Davidson Brothers” a New York “underwear company, a founder, in 1939 “of theUnited Jewish Appeal of Greater New York” and the husband of “the former SarahMachilis” with whom he had two children – Jean and Morton – passed away todayafter suffering a heart attack.
1966:Three months after having been released in the United Kingdom and Australia,“It Happened Here,” a film that looks at what might have happened if the Nazishad won WW II filmed by cinematographer Peter Suschitzky, was released in theUnited States today.
1967:Funeral services are scheduled to be held in Brooklyn today for Isidore Kahan,the husband of Sara Kahan, a member of Temple Eman-El of Boro Park led by RabbiBaruch Silverstein .
1967:Birthdate of Cleveland, OH native and USC educated Oscar winner Lee EdwardUnkrich the husband of “Laura Century” and the father of “Hannah, Alice andMax” Unkrich.
1970(6thof Av, 5730): Parashat Devarim
1970(6thof Av, 5730): Sixty-year-old South Omaha, NB born son of Lithuanian immigrantsJohnny Goodman the husband of Joephine Goodman whom he married in 1938 and the lastamateur golfer to win the U.S. Open, 91 years ago in 1933” and who also won the U.S. Amateur in 1937 passedaway today in South Gate, CA/
1972(28thof Av, 5732): Seventy-two-year-old University of Virginia trained attorneyMichael Benjamin Wagenheim, the Norfolk, VA born son “Herman and Sophie(Sheffield) Waggenheim) who practiced law in his home town for fifty yearswhile also serving with a number of civic organizations including GoodwillIndustries and the Hampton Roads Sanitation Commission passed away today.
1973:“The Stone Killer” a film about murdering Italian and Jewish mobsters” directedand produced by Michael Winner starring Martin Balsam, Stuart Margolin andNorman Fell was released today in the United States.
1973:In a move that will have profound repercussions for the United States, the restof the World (and of course the Jews, Richard Nixon delivered an address to thenation tonight saying this his Presidency would officially end tomorrow atnoon.
1975:Jacob “Jack” Austin was appointed to the Upper House of the Canadian Parliamenttoday to serve as a Senator from Vancouver.
1975:“Farewell My Lovely” the murder mystery produced by Elliot Kastner and JerryBruckheimer, with a screenplay by David Zelag Goodman and music by David Shirewas released in the United States today.
1976(12thof Av, 5736): Sixty-six-year-old Berlin born Eddie Rosner, the jazz musicianknown as “The White Louis Armstrong,” passed away today,
1976:Three Israelis were injured when a bus was fired on near Hebron.
1977:Officials in Washington agreed that there was no evidence that more than 8,000pounds of the lost American enriched uranium and plutonium had ever reachedIsrael.
1977:The Jerusalem YMCA, one of the most beautiful in the world and the only one tohave a membership 98 per cent Jewish, celebrated its centenary.
1979(15thof Av, 5739): Tu B’Av
1980:Today, the National Park Service determined that Dewey House which had beendesigned by David Adler was eligible for the National Register of HistoricPlaces.”
1980:As part of the on-going Soviet campaign to punish Jewish refusniks, GrigoriiGeishis was put on trial at Leningrad.
1981(8thof Av, 5741): Parshat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon; Erev Tish’a B’Av
1981(8thof Av, 5741): Eighty-three year old City College trained business executive andphilanthropist Jerome Ira Udell the New York born son of Max and Jane WallcottUdell who was the CEO of Max Udell Sonsand Company, a manufacturer of men’s clothing and a long time “member of theBoard of Directors of Beth Israel Medical Center” passed away today.
1982:Just two weeks before her 84th birthdate Rosie Goldschmidt Waldeck,the author whose works include Athene Palace passed away. Born a German Jew in 1898, she converted toCatholicism and became a U.S. citizen in 1939
1982: “Where are the Arab‘brothers' now?” by Daniel Pipes appears in the Chicago Tribune.
1984:Funeral services were held today in Jerusalem for “Rabbi Louis Rabinowitz,former Chief Rabbi of the Orange Free State in South Africa and more recently aHerut Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem.” (As reported by JTA)
1984:Based on an order from the Israeli Supreme Court, financer Shmuel Flatto-Sharonis scheduled to report to jail today where he is “to start a three- monthsentence for bribery during his campaign for the Israeli Parliament in 1977,which was successful.”
1986:“The Transformer: The Movie” an animated feature film featuring the voices ofJudd Nelson, Lionel Stander and Leonard Nimoy was released in the United Statestoday by the De Laurentiis Entertainment Group.
1986:Warner Bros. released “One Crazy Summer,” a romantic comedy produced by MichaelJaffe and featuring Jeremy Piven in the role of “Ty.”
1987:Mary Travers, the folk singer, plays Emma Lazarus, as one of a series of radiospots for a a program entitled “Voices of Freedom.” Ms Travers said her character also had suchcontemporary relevance. ''She doesn't talk about history as if it's frozen intime,'' Ms. Travers said of Lazarus. ''Her words are valuable not as the wordsof a woman willing to struggle with inequity in 1883, but as the words of anAmerican willing to struggle with inequity in 1987.''
1987: ''Yiddish Theater in London, 1880-1987 anexhibition included in this summer's Jewish East End Celebration is scheduledto come to an end.
1987: ''Daughters of the Pale,'' an exhibition that in words andphotographs documents the experiences of daughters of Jewish immigrants, isscheduled to come to an end in London
1988:Israeli Ambassador Moshe Arad met with Rev. Jesse Jackson. The two men andtheir advisers said they discussed a wide range of issues, including theconflict between the Israelis and Palestinians; the plight of black Israelis;Israel's relationship with South Africa, and recent friction between blacks andJews in this country, particularly in Chicago and New York.
1988:Israeli Ambassador Moshe Arad met with Rev. Jesse Jackson. The two men andtheir advisers said they discussed a wide range of issues, including theconflict between the Israelis and Palestinians; the plight of black Israelis;Israel's relationship with South Africa, and recent friction between blacks andJews in this country, particularly in Chicago and New York.
1989:A Broadway revival of the musical “Shenandoah” with a “book” co-authored byproducer Philip Rose opened today.
1990:Oil prices fell and the stock markets in the New York and Tokyo steadied todayafter the United States decision to send troops to Saudi Arabia and reportsthat the oil-rich kingdom would increase its production in what would be partof the start of Gulf War I, the first conflict in which Israel would stand downand trust the United States to defend its airspace from Arab attack.
1990:“I’m Dangerous Tonight” a horror film featuring Natalie Schafer debuted on USANetwork tonight.
1993: The third in a series of family tours to Israel sponsored by theAmerican Jewish Congress is schedule to begin today.
1993: The Bosnian family sponsored by Temple Beth Am arrived in Seattle,Washington.
1993:The National Merit Scholarship Corporation announced the names of 200 NewJersey high school seniors who have won college scholarships including BrianIsaacson, Jennifer Markowitz and Lev S. Kaufman.
1995(12thof Av, 5755): Eighty-eight-year-old Dr.Helen Ransahoff Iglauer Glueck, the Ohio born daughter of Sameul and Helen RansohoffIglauer and wife Dr. Nelson Glueck, the noted Reform Rabbi, archaeologist andpresident of HUC whom she married in 1931 passed away today after which sheinterred in Walnut Hills Jewish Cemetery in Evanston, OH.
1995:Eighty-nine-year-old SS officer Kurt Becher who was involved in deals to trademoney and goods for sparing the lives of Hungarian Jews that included dealingswith Rudolf Kastner passed away.
(Formore about Rudolf Kastner see Gaylen Ross’s award winning documentary “KillingKasztner: The Jew Who Dealt With Nazis” and Kastner’s Train by AnnaPorter and
1996:Mel Torme, an icon of the American Jazz scene, suffered a stroke whicheffectively ended his career.
1996:“Haifa” premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.
1998:“Shakespeare’s Villains,” “a one man-man player created and performed by StevenBerkoff” came to a close “at London’s Royal Theatre in Haymarket.”
1998:Christiane Amanpour, the chief international correspondent for CNN, was marriedtwice today to James Phillip Rubin, the Assistant Secretary of State for PublicAffairs, first in a Roman Catholic ceremony performed The Rev. AmbroseO'Farrell, a Roman Catholic priest, at the Church of Santo Stefano inBracciano, Italy and then “later in the day, in a Jewish ceremony performed byRabbi Guy D. Hall.
1999:PGA golfer Bruce Fleisher won the Lightpath Long Island Classic.
1999:The New York Times includes reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding Between Silk and Cyanide:A Codemaker's War, 1941-1945 byLeo Marks, Walter Benjamin: SelectedWritings: Volume 2, 1927-1934and Broke Heart Blues by Joyce Carol Oates, the author who discovered late in life herown family's Jewish history: Her grandmother, who immigrated to the UnitedStates in the 1890s, kept her religion hidden for fear of persecution.
1999: Avery Corman, the novelist, who has justcompleted working on a new musical with Cy Coleman, discusses ''The Musical:The American Jewish Theater in Its Heyday'' at Temple Adas Israel on ElizabethStreet in Sag Harbor.
2000: “In a new sermon today, the spiritual leaderof the Shas Party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef offered no explicit apology for hisremarks made in a broadcast “in which he said the six million Jews who perishedin the Holocaust died because they were reincarnations of sinners” but didappear “to backtrack from his earlier statement” when he said, ''Six millionJews, among them one million children, were killed by the wicked Nazis,'' hesaid. '' All were holy and pure and complete saints.”
2000: Two days after he had passed away, funeralservices were scheduled to be held for Harvard trained physician andgastroenterologist Dr. Benjamin B. Banks who rose to the rank of Colonel duringhis five years of service in WW II and who served as trustee of Temple Israelin Boston and Chairman of Boston Chapter of the American Jewish Committee whileraising a family with his wife of 69 years, Alice Banks.
2001: Hamas claimed credit for today’s bombing atMoshav Beka’ot
2002: “Queen’s Opens J.B. Salsberg Papers to thePublic” published today included a brief description of the life of the Polishborn Canadian Labor Zionist.
2003(10th of Av, 5763):Third Petty Officer Roi Oren,20, an Israel Navy commando, was shot in the head and killed in an assault on aHamas bomb factory in Nablus.
2004: Second and final performance by the Royal English Opera Company ofRockford, Illinois of “The Nautch Girl,” a comic opera composed by EdwardSolomon. These are the only times theopera has been performed in North America.
2004: The NewYork Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of specialinterest to Jewish readers including The Missing Peace: The Inside Story ofthe Fight for Middle East Peace by Dennis Ross
2005: Legislation is introduced in Congress thatwould make it illegal to deny life insurance to people based on their travelhabits. Those traveling to Israel,including at least one Jewish member of the House of Representatives have beendenied life insurance. While thosepushing the legislation have not accused the life insurance industry of ananti-Jewish bias, one of the non-Jewish supporters of the bill noted that hehad never been denied insurance even though he had taken repeated trips to hisancestral homeland, Ireland.
2005:Today “Haaretz quoted a topPalestinian Authority religious cleric, Sheikh Jamal al-Bawatna, the mufti ofthe Ramallah district, in a fatwa (a religious edict) banning shooting attacksagainst Israeli security forces and settlements, out of concern they might leadto a postponement of the pullout. According to Haaretz, this is the first time that a Muslim cleric has forbiddenshooting at Israeli forces.”
2005:“Kevin Youkilis took the field in the 9th inning along with Adam Stern and GabeKapler, setting a "record" for the most Jewish players on the fieldat one time in American League history and the most in Major League Baseballhistory since four Jewish players took the field for the New York Giants in1941. (Jewish Virtual Library)
2005:Wolf Blitzer began hosting The Situation Room, a two-hour afternoon/earlyevening program on CNN
2005(3rdof Av, 5765): Eighty-seven-year Nathan “Fred” Asher, the Naval AcademyGraduate, who took command of the destroyer U.S.S. Blue during the bombing ofPearl Harbor and was the husband of Slema Straus with whom he had threechildren – Dennis, Karen and Jeffrey – passed away today in California.
2006:Five ambulances donated to Magen David Adom by Canadian Jewry were flown toIsrael from New York by
2006(14th of Av, 5766): Staff Sergeant Oren Lifschitz, 21, of Kibbutz Gazit andStaff Sergeant Moran Cohen, 21, of Kibbutz Ashdot Yaakov were killed in battles in the south Lebanon village ofBint Jbail. St.-Sgt. Yesmao Yallao 26, from Or Yehuda and Cap. (res.) and GiladBalahsan, 28, of Karmiel were killed in clashes with Hezbollah near Leboneh.
2007:The last two concerts The Zimriya - The World Assembly of Choirs are held at 8P.M., at Einav Cultural Center in Tel Aviv and at Independence Hall on Mt.Scopus. The Zimriya has been held every three years since 1952.
2007:Donald Fisher the founder of GAP “announced plans to build a100,000-square-foot (9,300 m2) museum in the San Francisco Presidio,tentatively named the Contemporary Art Museum of the Presidio, to house his artcollection” – plans which would be abandoned in 2009 when Fisher and his wife“decided to enter into a partnership with SFMOMA to display the world famouscollection.”
2007(24thof Av, 5767): Melville “Mel” Shavelson, writer, director and producer passedaway at the age of 90.
2008:Israeli President Shimon Peres attends the Olympic Games' opening ceremony atthe invitation of the Chinese government.
2008:In “Jewish Roots in India,” published today the Washington Post reviews TheGirl From Foreign by Sadia Shephard in which the American born authortraces the Jewish roots of her Indian grandmother who lived as a Moslem.
2008:In Virginia, Jody Wagner resigns her position as Secretary of Finance.
2008(7thof Av, 5768): Ted Solotaroff passes away at the age of 80
2009:In Jerusalem, Beit Avi Chai's Saturday night music line, directed by ShaananStreet, presents "Eve’s Women": Four musicians create a magical,diverse musical world, with fresh, new arrangements of familiar melodies andsongs from Jewish tradition, klezmer tunes, and Hasidic songs. A fascinatingmusical journey including improvisations created in each concert.
2010:A documentary entitled “Einsatzgruppen: The Death Brigades” is scheduled to beshown at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.
2010:At the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, VA, Rabbi Arthur Ruberg is scheduledto officiate at the wedding of Rachael Anne Wagner, and Samuel Jeremy Abrams,“a professor of political science at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY.”
2010:Bankito, sometimes referred to as "Jewstock" -- a youth-orientedJewish culture festival on the shore of Bank Lake, north of Budapest isscheduled to come to an end.
2010:In Norfolk, VA, Rabbi Arthur Ruberg is scheduled to officiate at the wedding ofRachael Anne Wagner and Samuel Jeremy Abrams at the Chrysler Museum of Art.
2010:First Jewish Women's Music Festival at Falls Village, CT is scheduled to cometo an end.
2010:The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including two novels set in Nazi-occupiedHolland by Dutch author Hans Keilson – The Death of the Adversary and Comedyin a Minor Key, Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart, AsHusbands Go by Susan Isaacs, 97 Orchard by Jane Ziegelman and JackKerouac and Allen Ginsberg; The Letters Edited by Bill Morgan and DavidStanford
2011:The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to come to an end.
2011(8thof Av): Erev Tisha B’Av – fast starts at sundown
2011:This evening, a delegation of 18 Washington-based ambassadors from fourcontinents and one other senior diplomat who have embarked on a fact-findingmission to Israel and the West Bank organized by The Israel Project (TIP) willgo to the Old City of Jerusalem to observe the commemoration of Tisha B’Av
2011:Three mortar shells fell last night in Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council, causingdamage to a fence.
2011:Today, the High Court of Justice rejected a petition asking that the governmentbe ordered to deploy the Iron Dome rocket defense system in Gaza bordercommunities
2011:During a discussion on the subject, the High Court criticized the IsraelMedical Association's (IMA) conduct during negotiations with the finance andhealth ministries. Supreme Court President Judge Dorit Beinisch said "theIMA's behavior does not arouse faith, this is no way to negotiate."
2012:The Summer Learning Institute is scheduled to begin at the Hebrew Union Collegein Cincinnati, Ohio.
2012:“Hope Springs” a comedy directed by David Frankel was released today in theUnited States by Columbia Pictures and MGM.
2012:“Photographer David Rubinger, who immortalized paratroopers reaching the Wallin the 1967 war, recreated his iconic image with a female trio holding a Torahscroll (As reported by Aaron Kalman)
2012:Lincoln Center Out of Doors, the annual free festival of music and dance, isscheduled to present the U.S. debut of The Alaev Family, a Bukharin groove bandfrom Israel with deep roots in the music of Tajikistan and Jewish Bukhara.
2012:Citing disappointing results for Israeli athletes in the 2012 Olympic games,Minister of Culture and Sports Limor Livnat announced today that she willestablish a committee of experts to look into this year’s failures in order tobring about better results in the next Olympics, set to take place in Rio deJaneiro, Brazil in the summer of 2016
2012:The British Guardian newspaper today acknowledged it was wrong to call Tel AvivIsrael’s capital, but reiterated its stance that Jerusalem is not the capitaleither, since it is not recognized as such by the international community.
2012:A series of Hezbollah terror attacks inside Israel were foiled recently by theShin Bet (Israel Security Agency) after a group of Israeli-Arabs helped smuggle20 kilograms of high-grade explosives into Israel. Today, eight residents ofNazareth and the town of Ghajar - half of which is in Israel and the other halfin Lebanon - were charged in the Nazareth District Court with assisting in theinfiltration of the explosives.
2013:“Esther Broner - A Weave Of Women,” a documentary about the pioneering feministand scholar is scheduled to be shown at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.
2013:At Zefat, the three day International Klezmer Festival “the biggest festival ofJewish soul music in the world” is scheduled to come to an end.
2013:Nobel Prize Winner Daniel Kahneman, a Princeton psychologist known for hisapplication of psychology to economic analysis who “escaped Nazi Europe andserved in the Israeli army” was one of the people President Obama named as arecipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
2013:In response to “security concerns” noplanes were allowed to land at or leave the Eilat airport when the IDF closedthe facility for two hours today. (As reported by Asher Zeiger)
2013(2ndof Elul, 5773): Ninety-two-year-old Jack Zomlefer, a brilliant chemist,successful business and educated Jew who shared his last years enhancing thequality of the Jewish community in CedarRapids ,passed away today.
2013*2ndof Elul, 5773): Ninety-year old opera star Regina Resnik passed away today. (Asreported by William Yardley)
2013(2ndof Elul, 5773): Actress Karen Black passed away today.
2014:Israel’s Dimona Theatre/Cultural Lab and the Classical Theatre of Harlem arescheduled to “present a succinct journey into Shakespeare’s Macbeth in SugarHill.
2014:“High-profile Toronto Jewish delicatessen owner Zane Caplansky is scheduled tosend his food truck to the outdoor screening ‘Laila’s Birthday’ a dark comedyby Palestinian director by Rashid Masharawi.” (As reported by Renee Ghert-Zand)
2014:In Milwaukee, Congregation Shalom is scheduled to host its final concert of thesummer featuring Becky Spice and Jack Forbes in “an original cabaret show.”
2014:True to its word Hamas ended the cease fire by firing rockets into Israel todayincluding one that scored a direct hit on a house “in the embattled city ofSderot.”
2014:“United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the renewed rocket fireon Israel and also called for a return to a truce in Gaza. (As reported byYitzhak Benhorin)
2014(12thof Av, 5774): Eighty-five-year-old director/producer Menahem Golan passed awaytoday.
2015(23rdof Av, 5775): Parsha Ekev
2015(23rdof Av, 5755): Eighty-seven-year-oldColumbus, OH born, Yale educated philosopher, physicist and mathematician AbnerShimoy, the husband of Annemarie Anrod, passed away today.
2015(23rdof Av): Yahrzeit of Rabbi Benjamin Arron of Cracow
2015:In New York, “a live performance of chamber ensemble led by the Music Director,Israeli Cellist Elad Kabilio” is scheduled to be part of this evening’s BalletFestival.
2015:The 92nd St is scheduled to host “Le Roc USA Party”
2016:Judge Claudio Bonadio’s decision to reopen a criminal complaint against formerPresident Kirchner in which had been accuse of conspiring to derail aninvestigation into the bombing of Jewish community center in 1994 which tookthe lives of 85, was made public today.
2016:“Jerusalem Boxing Club is scheduled to be shown as part of The HamptonSynagogue Film Series now in its 14th year.
2016:Noam Banai, son of Meir and cousin to Ehud, Yuval and Elisha continued his tourof Israel tonight with a performance at 26 Bialik, Beersheba.
2016:Gary Gans is scheduled to speak on “What Mourning Customs Did Our ImmigrantFamilies Bring with Them” and Avraham Groll is scheduled to speak on “JewishLife In Poland (10th-18th centuries) at the 36thIAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy today in Seattle.
2017:This evening in Weimar, Germany YSM is scheduled to host a series of jamsession featuring Yiddish songs and klezmer music.
2017:“An ensemble of four male dancers combining hip hop with ballet, choreographedby Roderick George, a former soloist of American Dance Company Cedar Lake isscheduled to perform part of this year’s “Tel Aviv Dance.”
2018:Diarna, The Geo-Museum of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish Life isscheduled to present “Beyond Tunis: A Comprehensive Mission to Tunisia”featuring photographer Chrystie Sherman as part of the Passport to JewishHistory series.
2018:“Zionist Union activists waved copies of Israel’s Declaration of Independencein the Knesset plenum today during a special debate on the nation-state law.”(TOI)
2018:”Operation Wedding,” a documentary that tells the story of “young SovietJews seeking to escape the Soviet Union: is scheduled to be shown at the KewGardens Festival of Cinema.
2019: The IllinoisHolocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to co-host the last programconnected with the Purchased Lives exhibition during which the “panel willdiscuss implications of this history on contemporary American society,including issues of mass incarceration, community disinvestment, poverty, andtrauma.”
2019: The Green Bay Packers, who owe their survival backin the 1920’s, at least in part to Nate Abrams, who had played one game for thePackers in 1919 and who gave “Curly” Lambeau three thousand dollars in 1922 tokeep the team afloat, are scheduled to play the Texans in a pre-season opener.
2020(18th of Av, 5780): Parashat Ekev; for moresee
2020: The Temple Tifereth Isael is scheduled to host RabbiCohen who will discuss Jewish time, text, memory and identity during thisafternoon’s adult learning session
2020: URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy is scheduled topresent a “Multi-Sensory Havdalah.”
2020: In Coralville, IA, Naomi Greiner is scheduled to becalled to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah at Agudas Achim during the livestreamedShabbat services.
2020: The Albuquerque Jewish Film Festival is scheduled tohost the final virtual screening of “The Spy Behind Home Plate.”
2020(18th of Av, 5780): Yahrzeit Sol Maikon,the dean of traditional Judaism in Cedar Rapids, IA
2020: In addition to dealing with the reality of thePandemic, Jews in Cedar Rapids are observing Shabbat with concerns about aoutbreak of anti-Semitism after reports were received yesterday from at leastfour different residences in southeast Cedar Rapids where resealable plasticbags were found that contained a letter with a fascist symbol and the words“White Pride” on it.
2021: Urban Adamah and Makor is scheduled topresent “spiritual leaders NormanFischer and Rabba Dorothy Richman leading a day of Jewish meditation, prayerand learning in preparation for the High Holidays.
2021:The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host a Virtual Program
“FromLawbreakers to Lawmakers: A Conversation with Judge Albie Sachs and TheHonorable Irwin Cotler.”
2021:In Atlanta, The Breman is scheduled to host a docent-led tour of the Holocaustexhibition, Absence of Humanity: The Holocaust Years 1933-1945.”
2021:The cabinet is scheduled to consider the appointment of retired Brig. GenMichael Herzog to serve as Israel’s next amabassador to the United States. (Asreported by Jacob Magid)
2021:American Friends Israel Philharmonic are scheduled to present a virtual “showcasepremiere featuring 10 top musicians from the philharmonic’s Keynote and Sulamoteducation programs.
2021:The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Putting It Together: HowStephen Sondheim and I Created “Sunday in the Park With George” by JamesLapine and Period. End of Sentence: A New Chapter in the Fight for MenstrualJustice by Anita Diamant
2021(30thof Av, 5781): Rosh Chodesh Elul
2022:In Palo Alto, CA, the Oshman Family JCC is scheduled to host a book talk for Hebrew speakers, Tamar Yogevaddresses her new book Exitland, writing, Hebrew literature outside of Israeland the representation of Silicon Valley in Hebrew literature.
2022:In San Francisco, the Commonwealth Club is scheduled to host Panel discussionon an upcoming film “Who Are The Marcuses?” about Holocaust survivors Lottieand Howard Marcus, whose $400 million gift to fund water research in Israel wasthe Jewish state’s largest donation ever.
2023:The Center for Early Relationship Support®, a part of Jewish Family &Children’s Service, is scheduled to offer a support group for pregnant peopleto give and receive support, ask questions and begin building a parentcommunity close to home.
2023:In Cedar Rapids, the Board of Temple Judah is scheduled to meet this eveningwith Brian Cohen presiding as President for the first time.
2023:Base Bay in Oakland is scheduled to host a “Queer Jewish Dating Party.”
2024:In partnership with Bender JCC, Edlavitch DCJCC, Pozez JCC and PJ Library, theCapital Jewish Museum “Storytime,” am experience primarily for those aged fiveand under.
2024;The Capital Jewish Museum is scheduled to host GatherDC’s August Happy Hourduring which ‘Jewish20s and 30s from around the DMV, can chow down on vegan and beef hot dogs fromCatalyst Hotdogs, and explore the Museum—including- the special exhibition“I’ll Have What She’s Having”: The Jewish Deli, which closes on August 20.
2024:SCN, Secure Community Network, the network of Jewish communal securityprofessionals, national security experts, and religious leaders is scheduled tohost online “High Holidays Safety &Security: Situational Awareness & Countering Active Threat Training.’
2024:The trip to Poland hosted by JewishGenNeshama Travel and Preservation Program is scheduled to come to an end today.
2024:The Center for Jewish is scheduled to “Family History Today: Reseaching YourJewish Ancestor in Greater Hungary” during which “Jordan Auslander, forensicgenealogist and author of the Genealogical Gazetteer for the Kingdom ofHungary, will provide an overview of resources available online and in Europeanarchives for tracing your family history in Hungary and former Hungarian territoriesover the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.”
2024:As August 8th begins in Israel, anunprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters callingfor Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps theUnited States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 307 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time