Linear Text Vs. Hypertext Do L2 Learners (2025)

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The importance of educational and cultural decentralization and regionalization seems to spring from our daily practice and theory. Indeed, in times of crisis, the other’s face does not seem to complete our image of ourselves, but to nullify itself, to fade into our own image. As a consequence, we hope globalization will not make us choose perverse forms, the darker side of the transnational, fed by ultraliberal, no-holds-barred capitalism, now that its human dimension seems irretrievably lost. How can we believe a hidden power, or have faith in the humanity of the faceless powers behind major world financial groups that have long given up on telling part from whole? Alienation in the 80’s gave way to highly individualized modes of being in life and in the world in the 1990’s. That awe experienced before seductive materialistic sophistication fed by one economic boom after another seems to be gone. We now enter a period when individualism, in the guise of relatively enraptured “autonomy and subjectivity” , seeks to define new forms of re-foundation. Acting individually, acting collectively, yet without giving in to the ideological ecstasies of the 1960’s, seems to be the common denominator with the many generations that make up the general population. Despite acute social inequality resulting from the collapse of the welfare state, citizens all over the world seem keen on organizing themselves into interest groups. Upholding a common cause and common rights is therefore the basis of a regionalism that has less and less to do with restricted local interests. If one is striving for quality of life, or upholding ecological causes, one must remain aware that such strife leads to a certain vision, understanding and practice which overflow into the transregional and the transnational. That is the cement that often binds regions, social groups or even countries that have in common their exclusion from preponderant ruling bodies, economic lobbies, political or social forces.

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Communication Among Nations


 The modern media tools especially social media has played a vital role in the process of communication among nations.  The communication among nations has affected the politics, economics, cultures and relations among different nations.  The communication among nations has spread the concept of unification of world as now everyone has access to the whole world with a single click while everyone is able to get familiar with the world.  The communication among nations is obsoleting the concept of nation state as non-state actors are becoming more powerful than ever before.  But according to some critiques the communication among nations is all about Westernization i.e. Western expansion and colonialism on the local society.  In short, now it is easy for everyone to get information about other countries but in contemporary world the focal purpose of communication among nations is to get economic benefits through cooperation among different countries.

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SDavis ED553 Unit6 Final Project Defining Global Education 12June2014

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Linear Text Vs. Hypertext Do L2 Learners (2025)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.