Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau on LinkedIn: #executives #employees | 92 comments (2024)

Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau

Fractional Chief Reinvention Officer | Leading Disruption & Reinvention for 7-Figure+ Wins | 20+ Years of No-Nonsense Leadership & Employee Engagement | Top Leading Voice on Performance Management

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How I Deal with Douche-Temper Tantrums—and Come Out Stronger Every Time!(Save this post for when you feel overpowered and undervalued!)I used to get panic attacks when someone tried to raise their voice, intimidate, or slam their fists to make a point. It took me right back to my younger years—trapped in domestic violence. Even now, I sometimes get caught in that old, familiar trap.But here’s how I handle it:- Feel the heat. I can feel my fight response kick in, and I remind myself of one promise: I will NEVER let someone make me feel small again. I’m not here to fight them; I’m here to show them this crap doesn’t work with me.- Shut them out. I give myself 90 seconds to breathe, ignore the noise, and let them burn out. They don’t get my attention unless they act right.- Set the tone. When they’re finally quiet, I simply say, “My energy isn’t where it needs to be to add value here.”I’ve gone toe-to-toe, and I’ve stayed silent. Neither worked.So I stopped making it about them. I make it about me—how I want to show up, on my terms.You don’t have to play their game. You don’t have to feel small.If you’re done with the bullsh*t, you’re in the right place. 😎 ✌ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey, I’m Isabelle. I cut through the BS to help #executives and #employees stop pretending and start making real moves in work and life.If you’re tired of the non-sense and ready to own your power—whether it’s for better relationships, wealth, or health—I’m here to help you get there.If this hits home:🔥 Repost or tag someone who needs to hear this✌️ Follow me for more real talk at Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau🚀 Sign up for the "Pretending Sucks" newsletter launching September 7th! (link below my headline)



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I'm not a communication expert as the traditional definition. I consider myself a courageous communicator and what I mean by that is I always start with my intent. So example if I'm ticked off. More than likely I will share, you know my energy level is is not where it needs to be to be a contributor of value in this discussion.

Bob Sager

Our platform and growing army of affiliate marketers help businesses who serve SME's generate dramatically more revenue.


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This, "You don’t have to play their game." is the most important sentence in this entire post.

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Yousef Shadid

LinkedIn Trainer & Creator 🔹 Ex-Deloitte & EY 🔹 Content & Branding Manager🔹 Best-Selling Author


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"Feel the heat."People often skip this where it's most needed!

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Ferenc Fekete

I help startup founders launch market-ready apps without the need for an in-house tech team. Co-Founder at VeryCreatives


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Standing up to aggressive behavior is about taking back your power. Giving someone 90 seconds to burn out? Genius move. It’s like silently setting a boundary that says, “I’m not here for your nonsense.”

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Aritra Mukherjee

Helping Busy Founders & Coaches Get More Clients | LinkedIn Ghostwriter | 20+ Happy Clients | Ex-Organic Buzz


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Great insights! Isabelle LaCroix VienneauHandling intense moments is crucial. One angle often missed is self-reflection. After the encounter, take a moment to analyze your own triggers and responses. It’s not just about managing others but understanding yourself better. This can help you set stronger boundaries and respond more effectively next time.Thanks for sharing this valuable approach!

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Tia Williams

I help job seekers tap into unadvertised job roles so recruiters contact you (without submitting online applications). | I also help job seekers 50+ combat ageism & implicit bias so you can compete for jobs on merit.


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We have to remember that people who act like that, they are the problem, not us. I refuse to let people treat me that way. I walk away. I give nothing but respect to people, and I won't accept anything back but respect.

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Martin Lindstrom

#1 Branding & Culture Expert, New York Times Bestselling Author. TIME Magazine 100 most influential people in the world, Top 50 Business Thinker in the World 2015-2024 (Thinkers50). Financial Times & NEWSWEEK columnist.


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By leveraging your strengths and setting boundaries, you reclaim your power. Your self-worth isn’t defined by their actions.

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Manuel Barragan - Executive Management Voice

I help organizations in finding solutions to current Culture, Processes, and Technology issues through Digital Transformation by transforming the business to become more Agile and centered on the Customer (data-driven)


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Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau, your approach is commendable. Taking control of your emotional response to aggressive behavior is crucial.

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Ravinder kumar Sharma

Having 28 Years of Experience in Purchase, supply-chain, operation (MBA in Material & Purchase Management! worked with Harvest Gold Industries Pvt Ltd ( Modern Foods/ Kitty Industries / Grupo Bimbo India )


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Humbleness and resilience are the weapons to handle any conflict. Backfire is always like a dictatorship, any conflict handled by soft terms is more valuable to glue your perspective to others. ROOPA i mean it.

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Taylin John Simmonds

Your friendly neighborhood creator | Quit college teaching for digital business | Building alternate education for creators (that school can’t teach you)


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Your posts always leave me feeling inspired.

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Mathew Warboys

Voted Top 40 Global LinkedIn CEO | “The Entrepreneurship Coach” | Built Portfolio of Successful LinkedIn Businesses | LinkedIn Coach for Fortune 500 Companies & Founders/Entrepreneurs | Daily Content on Entrepreneurship


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I can't imagine the pain you've been through. You're a true survivor.

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  • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau

    Fractional Chief Reinvention Officer | Leading Disruption & Reinvention for 7-Figure+ Wins | 20+ Years of No-Nonsense Leadership & Employee Engagement | Top Leading Voice on Performance Management

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    The Fed’s Job Revision? Time to Stop Complaining and Start DoingSo, the Fed might revise job growth numbers, cutting a million jobs. Not shocking, right?(Article is available in the #Linkedin Top News Sections) Disruption is part of life now, and whether you like it or not - you’ve got two choices—keep complaining, or start doing something about it.For #Leaders:- Stop Waiting: If you’re not already ahead of the curve, you’re behind. Are you challenging the norm every day, or waiting for the market to force your hand?- Be the Disruption: Leadership today isn’t about maintaining the status quo—it’s about pushing boundaries. What are you doing right now to lead, not follow?- Think and Do for Today AND Tomorrow: The best leaders don’t just focus on the present; they’re planning for what’s next. Are you making decisions today that prepare you for tomorrow?For #Employees:- Own Your Value: The job market is tough. You can’t control the layoffs, but you can control your relevance. Are you learning new skills, or waiting for leaders to give you permission?- Build Real Relationships: Your network matters. Are you investing in it, or just hoping something good comes your way?- Stay Resilient: Life isn’t fair, and that’s not going to change. How are you bouncing back from setbacks? Are you owning your life, or blaming others?Consider this: The first part of 2024 saw a massive 34% spike in US corporate bankruptcies, including small and medium-sized businesses. Since 2000, 52% of Fortune 500 companies have been replaced or don’t exist anymore.Are you preparing for what’s next, or pretending it won’t happen to you?What are you ignoring and avoiding in your career or business? How are you preparing for the next disruption? P.S. Pretending it’s not a problem won’t make it go away. Ask for help. You'll thank me later.

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  • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau

    Fractional Chief Reinvention Officer | Leading Disruption & Reinvention for 7-Figure+ Wins | 20+ Years of No-Nonsense Leadership & Employee Engagement | Top Leading Voice on Performance Management

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    Are you in control of your life, or letting others steer the wheel?Over the years, I’ve worked with hundreds of leaders and employees. Here's the blunt truth from my perspective and reality:Trust isn't always what it's cracked up to be. Actions speak louder.Respect comes first. Trust follows. Confusing the two? That's a mistake.Self-trust is non-negotiable. If you don’t trust yourself, why should anyone else?Entitlement doesn’t equal control. If you don’t like your position, change it.Your life is a reflection of your choices. No one owes you anything—especially not a company.Unrealistic expectations? Trust crumbles. No one owes you anything.Real impact? It’s about showing up daily, not just doing the job.Mastery? That comes from solving problems, not waiting for chances.Courageous conversations are built through practice, not theories.Asking for help is strength, not weakness. Know what you need and go for it.So, what’s that one thing you're avoiding today that, if you started, would flip your life on its head? How would that feel? What’s holding you back?

    • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau on LinkedIn: #executives #employees | 92 comments (21)



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  • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau

    Fractional Chief Reinvention Officer | Leading Disruption & Reinvention for 7-Figure+ Wins | 20+ Years of No-Nonsense Leadership & Employee Engagement | Top Leading Voice on Performance Management

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    Isn’t it Frustrating When Life Isn’t Fair?Is it?Don’t be fooled. Life’s not designed to be fair. If it were, we’d all be exactly where we want to be, and every effort would be rewarded equally. But here we are—navigating the same messy, unpredictable world as everyone else.Workplace drama? It’s like a bad reality show—different faces, same script. We keep hoping for fairness, for others to show up like we do, for happiness to follow every choice. But if histories' taught us anything, it’s that these expectations are a one-way ticket to disappointment.I’m not here to tell you how to live your life. I’m not some self-help guru with all the answers. But here’s what I’ve noticed: the more you focus on how unfair things are, the more you get stuck in that loop. The real question is—what’s your next move? How do you take what you’ve got and make it work for you?Expecting others to care like you do? Forget it. Thinking everything should bring you joy? Nice idea, but life doesn’t come with a happiness guarantee. It’s not about waiting for the world to be fair—it’s about navigating it as it is, and sometimes that means playing the game, even when it feels rigged.You get disappointed when you expect the world to mirror your own standards. So, maybe it’s time to stop expecting that, and start figuring out how to get from point A to point B, no matter how messy the path might be.Let’s not pretend we’re all nailing this. Life’s complicated, unfair, and often disappointing. But that doesn’t mean we stop trying. It just means we get smarter about how we move forward.

    • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau on LinkedIn: #executives #employees | 92 comments (26)



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  • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau

    Fractional Chief Reinvention Officer | Leading Disruption & Reinvention for 7-Figure+ Wins | 20+ Years of No-Nonsense Leadership & Employee Engagement | Top Leading Voice on Performance Management

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    Pretending doesn’t get you anywhere—action does.(Save this post and read it when you’re full of excuses!)We’ve all been there, and let’s be real—we’ll be there again. That’s life.You show up, put on the brave face, and go through the motions. But deep down, something’s off.Maybe you’re in a funk. Maybe it’s the job. Maybe things just aren’t lining up like they should.Here’s the reality:#Executives and #employees who thrive aren’t the ones who have it all figured out—they’re the ones who stare down the mess and flip it into something that matters.Disruption is inevitable. How you respond to it is what makes all the difference.For over 20 years, I’ve been helping leaders and teams not just survive but turn disruption into 7-figure wins.The secret? Stop pretending everything’s fine and start taking action that moves the needle.So, ask yourself: What’s the one thing you’re pretending isn’t an issue?Because here’s the truth—facing it is the first step to flipping it.👇 Ready to make the shift?Let’s connect and turn that mess into momentum. 😎✌️

    • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau on LinkedIn: #executives #employees | 92 comments (31)



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  • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau

    Fractional Chief Reinvention Officer | Leading Disruption & Reinvention for 7-Figure+ Wins | 20+ Years of No-Nonsense Leadership & Employee Engagement | Top Leading Voice on Performance Management

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    Don’t Fix Problems for Your Team.Instead, Empower Them to Solve It.Here’s the harsh truth: I used to think it was my job to jump in and fix every team issue.Big mistake.When team members came to me venting, I’d dive right in, thinking, “I’ve got to handle this.”What I Learned:-Frustrated with the same old drama, I shifted my approach.-I asked, “What steps are you taking to solve this? How can I support you?”Their Responses Were Eye-Opening:-"I need to vent to someone I trust."-"I haven’t acted because I’m nervous about starting the conversation."-"I want to figure out how to handle this myself and improve my relationships."The Real Leadership Trap: Believing the problem lies with your team, when it’s actually your perspective that needs an upgrade.What leadership traps are holding you back?P.S. Understanding yourself and your team is crucial to thriving in today’s chaos.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ways I Can Help:-Power Hour: Reset your mindset, transform your results.-S.A.S.S.I.F.I.E.D. Accelerator Mission: Reinvent how you live and work. You and your team deserve a life that lights you up.-Million Dollar Mission: Turn employee ideas into cash. Like flipping $500K into $10M in under a year. Still unsure but curious?DM me. Let’s start a conversation and see how we can elevate your leadership. 😎✌️

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  • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau

    Fractional Chief Reinvention Officer | Leading Disruption & Reinvention for 7-Figure+ Wins | 20+ Years of No-Nonsense Leadership & Employee Engagement | Top Leading Voice on Performance Management

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    I used to be AWFUL at making decisions until I changed 1 thing.(This is something I also teach my kids, and it’s making a HUGE difference in accountability!)Here’s how I view decisions now: Is it life-threatening or not?If it’s not life-threatening, I experiment. I try things out.Like trying on a new outfit.If it works, great!If it doesn’t, I might tweak it or decide to move on.So, what’s your biggest hurdle when it comes to making decisions?In today’s #BSBeGone episode, Dan Stowell and I dive into this exact topic.(Link will be added in the comments shortly.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.S. 2 Ways I Can Help:1. Need a Quick Reset? Check out my featured section for a Power Hour. Change your thinking, change your results.2. S.A.S.S.I.F.I.E.D. Accelerator Program (pioneering experience for my early adopter friends!): Ready to reinvent your life and work? Visit my featured section for details. 3. Not quite sure yet? Don't be shy, let's connect and send me a DM! 😎 ✌



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  • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau

    Fractional Chief Reinvention Officer | Leading Disruption & Reinvention for 7-Figure+ Wins | 20+ Years of No-Nonsense Leadership & Employee Engagement | Top Leading Voice on Performance Management

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    Under Pressure? How Do You Nail High-Stakes Decisions?Join Dan Stowell and me on today’s #BSBeGone episode at 8 AM EST to hear how we deal with making tough choices when it counts.

    BS BeGone Live



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  • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau

    Fractional Chief Reinvention Officer | Leading Disruption & Reinvention for 7-Figure+ Wins | 20+ Years of No-Nonsense Leadership & Employee Engagement | Top Leading Voice on Performance Management

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    Imagine focusing less on how long someone sticks around and more on the impact they make while they’re with you.How would that change the way you look at your team, your strategy, and even your entire business model?Does your company value tenure or impact more? I’d love to hear your perspective. 👇

    • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau on LinkedIn: #executives #employees | 92 comments (49)



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  • Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau

    Fractional Chief Reinvention Officer | Leading Disruption & Reinvention for 7-Figure+ Wins | 20+ Years of No-Nonsense Leadership & Employee Engagement | Top Leading Voice on Performance Management

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    You’re exhausted, aren’t you?Exhausted from the anger.Exhausted from the pain.Exhausted from hurting the people who actually care about you.Exhausted from waking up every day feeling like you’ve already lost.I'll say it for you...You hate who you’ve become.You feel stuck. You keep saying, "I can't help it," knowing deep down you’re lying to yourself.Every time you swear you’ll change, you end up right back in the same damn place. So then you start blaming everything and everyone else.It’s killing you inside. It's making people around you feel small.You snap at people because it feels like the only way to release the pressure.But then the guilt eats you alive, and you spiral deeper into hating yourself.You don’t have to live like this.I know what it’s like:→ Screaming at the people who are just trying to help→ Spitting out words you can’t take back→ Feeling like you’re drowning in your own bullsh*tAnd the worst part? Knowing you’re the one causing the pain.Sometimes, the first step is simply admitting that the problem is YOU. The good news? You’re also the solution.It’s like being chained to a nightmare you can’t wake up from, with every attempt to break free reminding you of how many times you’ve failed.And you keep asking yourself, “Why me?”—believe me when I tell you that you will die before answering that question.A problem doesn’t have to feel like the end of the world when you realize it’s just an opportunity in disguise.Do yourself a favor and ask instead, “What can I do to get better?”Because truth be told...→ The pain you’re burying isn’t going to vanish just because you ignore it.→ The anger isn’t going to magically disappear.→ And nobody’s coming to save you from yourself.What patterns are you repeating that keep you stuck?What’s really driving your anger?What do you think might happen if you actually change?This is it. This is your life. Right now. And you have two choices:1. Keep letting this sh*t control you, or2. Face it head-on and start clawing your way out.It’s going to be ugly. It’s going to hurt like hell. If you don’t? I promise this will swallow you whole. People will disconnect from you.So, what’s it going to be?→ Keep drowning, or start living?→ Keep hurting the people who love you, or become the awesome person you know you can be?→ Keep repeating this toxic cycle, or break the damn chain?No one can do this for you. It’s all on you.But if you’ve made it this far, it means you’re ready to take the first step.And that’s enough for today."It's okay to fall apart. It's not okay to take it out on the world."P.S. You’re not alone, but you’ve got to do the work. 💗

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Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau on LinkedIn: #executives #employees | 92 comments (59)


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Isabelle LaCroix Vienneau on LinkedIn: #executives #employees | 92 comments (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.